“K” Type Fire Extinguisher installed in kitchen at Nina’s Restaurant 23-27 West Main Street in Middletown,NY.
Brian Scott of Oprandy’s Fire Equipment Company of Middletown came in response to a service call we requested because of our building’s insurance company request we have this type of apparatus in the kitchen. Mr. Scott upon arriving said he remembered installing one these fire extinguishers here in the past. He suggested we check around for that old unit. We found it, empty at the bottom on the basement stairs. Mr. Scott, replaced that unit with a refilled unit which is now installed near the kitchen stoves.
Art Livesey
Splash Guard now installed on Fryer in kitchen at Nina’s Restaurant, 23 West Main Street, Middletown, NY
On February 16, 2018, Jack Straube, of Straube’s Food Equipment of Middletown, NY came and installed the new splash guard on the fryer at the left side of the kitchen at 23-27 West Main Street in Middletown. They furnished the stainless steel guard and installed it. Our building’s insurance company had requested it as a fire prevention safety item.
by Art Livesey